La NASA explica l'aparició d'un home en un vídeo de la Lluna
ED , Redacció | ND 20/08/2014 a les 18:59h .-YouTube
L'enrenou que va provocar a les xarxes socials el vídeo de "l'home que
es passejava per la lluna" ja hauria acabat. Com a mínim, la NASA n'ha
donat una explicació:"una esgarrapada en el negatiu de la pel·lícula".
En el vídeo a través de Google Moon, publicat a YouTube amb més de cinc
milions de visites, s'hi pot observar una figura que semblava un home
de constitució més aviat prima. Un fenomen òptic que va esverar la xarxa
i les conegudes teories de la conspiració. Tant el portaveu de la NASA,
Wade Sisler, com el científic Noah Petro, director d'estudis de la
Lluna de l'agència espacial, asseguren que la figura és un "set" en la
Data de publicació: 18/07/2014
*This video is not a claim*
For a balanced look at this THING, check out this article:
Remember the 1967 NASA image referred to as "The Shard"? A strange and very large tower type figure that appeared in one still image captured by Lunar Orbiter III (I think). Well, this thing spotted by Jasenko could be eerily similar. An irregularly shaped dark spot he noticed on Google Moon looks like it could be a cast shadow from a massive standing object, or figure. At first I thought maybe it was something drawn into the picture but after going to G. Moon, whatever it is or isn't.. uh, is there. You get the idea. Go check it out and of course decide for yourself. Debunk it, shred it, figure it out.
The music:
Thanks Jasenko!
Check out Jasenko's YT channel here and give him a shout:
27°34'26.35"N 19°36'4.75"W
Image credit - NASA and Google Earth (Moon)
Music by Wowforreeel
Wicked sounds in the trees:
For a balanced look at this THING, check out this article:
Remember the 1967 NASA image referred to as "The Shard"? A strange and very large tower type figure that appeared in one still image captured by Lunar Orbiter III (I think). Well, this thing spotted by Jasenko could be eerily similar. An irregularly shaped dark spot he noticed on Google Moon looks like it could be a cast shadow from a massive standing object, or figure. At first I thought maybe it was something drawn into the picture but after going to G. Moon, whatever it is or isn't.. uh, is there. You get the idea. Go check it out and of course decide for yourself. Debunk it, shred it, figure it out.
The music:
Thanks Jasenko!
Check out Jasenko's YT channel here and give him a shout:
27°34'26.35"N 19°36'4.75"W
Image credit - NASA and Google Earth (Moon)
Music by Wowforreeel
Wicked sounds in the trees:
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