dimecres, 10 de setembre del 2014

Catalonia tales: your views on the vote for independence

Catalonia tales: your views on the vote for independence

After appealing to Catalans around the world on Twitter, we print a selection of views on secession from Spain

Marchers carry a Catalan flag during a pro-independence rally in Barcelona, in September.
Marchers carry a Catalan flag during a pro-independence rally in Barcelona, in September. Photograph: Ramon Costa/Demotix/Corbis
As part of the Guardian's series on Catalonia's drive for independence, we appealed on Twitter for #CataloniaTales – stories and reflections on an issue that has shot to prominence in recent weeks. In the space of three days, more than 500 people have got in touch via Twitter or email to tell me – sometimes at considerable length – their views on Catalonia's independence. It would, unfortunately, be impossible to cite everybody, and apologies to all those who have not been included. I've divided the comments up into broad categories, starting with Catalonian citizens currently living outside Catalonia (including elsewhere in Spain).

As Catalonia prepares to vote in an election that could determine not just its future, but the shape of Spain, people in Madrid give their views Link to video: Catalonia elections 2012: Madrid residents discuss independence

Charity worker, living in UK for six years

The main issue I want to highlight is the fact that it's very difficult for me to move back to Barcelona because of the job market and crisis. This really bothers me because at some point, I'd like to go back. My brother (who lives in Barcelona) lost his job a few weeks ago, my brother's girlfriend has seen her salary hugely reduced in the last few months. My mother (teacher) has recently retired but had her salary and pension cut. My father (taxi driver) would like to retire in February 2013, we'll see how that goes. Spanish structures of democracy are, in my view, very fragile. How jealous are Catalans about how the process in Scotland is developing! I believe that, partly, this has to do with the history of Spain in the last 40-50 years and how the "transition" post-Franco took place. How successful was this transition? How are minorities treated in Spain? What's the role of the army? Is the Spanish constitution really democratic? I think that Spain is in a real mess. But I believe that the economic crisis has only reinforced what was already in existence: an incoherent, quite corrupted, often inefficient state. I want Catalonia to be independent and I do know that some things might not change but I do hope that as an independent state we can make Catalonia more democratic and prosperous.

Josep Grau-Bove, researcher, London

During the last few months, the Spanish media has rushed to create some sort of discourse against the independence of Catalonia. They have streghtened old arguments and struggled to create new ones. Some are arguable and some are plain wrong, but surely, lots of them are offensive. A specially insulting argument is the claim that the rise of pro-independence feeling is due to some sort of indoctrination or propaganda. I've also been told that my political views are due to the "influence of my environment". Or that "I've been raised that way". The Spanish minister of education has repeatedly stated that Catalan schools have produced generations of independentists, and that children should be "Spanishised". They probably don't realise how hurtful their words can be. True, I've been a Catalan since I spoke my first word. I've been raised in Catalan, in a Catalan village. My TV and my school were in Catalan. The environment where I grew was, in fact, almost entirely Catalan. Is that so exceptional? The environment had the exact same influence on me as on any French, Moroccan, English or Scottish child. But this does not turn my parents, my teachers and friends into brainwashers. It wasn't Big Brother who turned me into a Catalan. Now that I live in London, I can hardly imagine something like this being said about Scotland. Like many Catalans, I'm appalled at the idea that our national feelings and/or political views are unnatural, the result of brainwashing. This is just an example, but shows the tragic proportions of our misunderstanding. Sadly, this huge gap is being widened by the media and by ill-intentioned populists.

David Calvert, Madrid

I am a sixth-generation Catalan living in Madrid for two years. When I came to this city, I really felt welcomed by a community used to giving a warm reception to the thousands arriving from elsewhere to build their future in a dynamic city like Madrid. Certainly the lifestyle is different compared to Barcelona. Madrid is more oriented to socialising than to hard working, as opposed to my home town, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the outcome of the work is of lesser quality. It is simply a different work/life balance. But I have never felt criticised, and on the contrary have been able to change the habits of some co-workers in a productive fusion of Catalan-Spanish style. Nevertheless, something has broken in the last year. Not at work where relations are guided by professionalism, but in private relations, where aggressiveness towards everything that sounds Catalan or is of Catalan style is trying to force a transformation into Spanish … Disapproving sighs when speaking in Catalan to my daughters on the street, disapproving comments in the market when using Catalan-Spanish words to name the products to buy, etc. Not any more is Madrid the open city it used to be. I can't say who is responsible for that, but life for a Catalan in Madrid isn't as easy as it used to be.

Guillem Colomer, studying music at Manchester Metropolitan University

I come from Spain but I am not Spanish; I am Catalan. For the last 300 years or so Catalonia has been attached to Spain but we have always felt a bit different – maybe because we speak a different language, maybe because we dance to a different type of music, maybe because we have a different way of life. For whatever reason, Spain has never understood that being different does not necessarily mean being evil. Thus, for many years the Catalan culture has been mistreated – even banned, on three different occasions. This lack of respect and exclusion towards a culture that wants nothing else but to exist, is the main reason as to why nowadays millions of Catalans are no longer willing to keep calm and carry on and are claiming, out loud, independence. It is a bit like an old marriage that has been together for a long time but does not work any more. Therefore, a friendly divorce seems to be the best solution. There are other reasons for the divorce: how would you feel if you worked hard and your husband kept most of the money you have earned? What if not only he kept the money, but spent it all every weekend at the pub instead of taking you out for dinner? This is more or less how we feel: robbed. Since Spain and Catalonia will never stop annoying each other when they are together, they might as well make their own ways – for the benefit of both.

Laia Balcells, political scientist, Duke University, North Carolina

As a Catalan and as a political scientist this is an extremely exciting moment. That is why this week I will fly from Durham, USA, to Barcelona in order to vote in the election. From my point of view, there are three different possible scenarios after these elections: 1) a self-determination process; 2) a new fiscal agreement between Spain and Catalonia; 3) gridlock. The latter is the worst possible scenario given the economic suffocation of Catalonia and the centralisation tendencies of the Spanish government. Obviously, the reaction of the Spanish government will also be crucial for each of the outcomes. My hope is that they will follow principles of rationality (that is, they will be willing to negotiate) and of respect for human rights and democracy (that is, they will be willing to accept a referendum and a positive result, if that is the case). Given that more than two-thirds of the Catalan population is in favor of a self-determination referendum, I believe that this should take place, regardless of the outcome of the election. As the UK has done with Scotland, Spain should let the people of Catalonia vote. The referendum should take place without grudges and resentment. It should also take place without manipulation of information or threats. Regardless of whether there is a breakup or not, Catalonia should wish the best for Spain, and vice-versa. I think that Spanish people should understand that independence does not mean hatred. I for instance lived in Madrid for two years and have wonderful Spanish friends and colleagues. I would be very sad if the political process were to interfere in these relationships. In this regard, both Catalan and Spanish politicians should do their job in avoiding confrontation between citizens of each of these territories. Interesting times are coming, but also risky times. These are the moments in which everyone (politicians, citizens, pundits) should be responsible with their words, as well as with their actions.

Albert Martí-Bueno, Bristol

In September 2009, a small town outside Barcelona planned to hold a popular referendum on independence. This was replied to with threats from the Spanish state to criminally prosecute its mayor. That is what Catalonia's struggle is about: democracy against brutality. On that day I made the decision to actively work to promote Catalonia's independence. I had never volunteered before for anything and it feels great. Catalonia is an old European nation with a long democratic tradition. Through my travels I learned that in smaller countries, such as Denmark, culture is respected and protected by the state. While our culture is attacked on a daily basis, and our educational system declared illegal. Then I lived in Mexico, and learned that more than two dozen countries have already become independent from Spain. All celebrate it. Why should we stay in a state that works against us? Catalan is not official in Spain. It is forbidden in the Spanish parliament. Public use of Catalan was banned for four decades last century. Spain blocks investment in our infrastructure (trains, airports, ports, motorways). Some 40% of taxes Catalans pay go to Spain, never to come back. Catalonia wants to be generous, but within reason. We have no sovereignty. Any law passed by the Catalan parliament can be countered by Spain in the blink of an eye. Spain is the product of 300 years of violence and repression. It hasn't yet dealt with its past. But Catalans are not scared anymore. We have a project: a modern state which works towards the interests of the people who live in it and not against them. To stand in equal rights with all other European nations, and make Europe stronger. All we ask the world is for our peaceful and democratic decision to be respected. Catalans have the same right to freedom as any other nation.

Jaume Domenech, Zurich

I am a Catalan living in Zürich since 2003. Let me just share a spot of history with you, and a wish. We lost our freedom in 1714 after a defeat against the Bourbon troops in the war of succession for the Spanish throne, very far away in time, yes. But that happened because England broke all the oaths and agreements with Catalonia, especially the Genoa pact of 1705. The English left us alone against two empires, Spain and France: "It is not for the interest of England to preserve the Catalan liberties," said Henry St John Bolingbroke, secretary of state for foreign affairs, in 1713. I just hope that today, in a democratic Europe, where votes are the only important thing to decide the destiny of a people, England will amend that mistake by being there this time and if her presence is requested on the side of democracy.
Jon Henley is travelling through Catalonia this week in search of more #Cataloniatales. Follow him on twitter on @jonhenley and on this page, which will be updated regularly with the stories he encounters.
• This article was amended on Monday 26 November 2012 to remove the name of one of the interviewees.

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