dilluns, 29 de setembre del 2014

Spain's Constitutional Court has suspended Catalonia's planned independence referendum.

Spain court suspends Catalonia independence referendum

Protesters gathered in front of the Catalan government building on 27 September 2014 in Barcelona, Spain. Catalan protesters took to the streets to demand independence
Spain's Constitutional Court has suspended Catalonia's planned independence referendum.
The court said it first needed to consider arguments whether the 9 November vote breached the country's constitution.
It acted on a request from the Spanish central government in Madrid.
The head of Catalonia, the wealthy north-eastern Spanish region, signed a decree on Saturday calling for the referendum.
But Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy told reporters that the vote was not "compatible with the Spanish constitution".
"Nobody and nothing will be allowed to break up Spain."
He was speaking in a televised statement to the nation after holding an emergency cabinet meeting.
Hundreds of thousands of Catalans joined a protest in Barcelona recently, calling for their right to vote.
Unhappy at Spain's refusal to give Catalans more powers, protesters have been energised by Scotland's recent independence referendum, and many also waved the Scottish flag.
Local laws Catalonia's 7.5 million inhabitants make up approximately 16 % of the population of Spain. Yet it is one of Spain's richest and most highly industrialised regions, as well as one of its most independent-minded.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy (C) presides over a cabinet meeting at Moncloa Palace on September 29, 2014 in Madrid, Spain. Spanish Government holds an emergency cabinet meeting in reaction to the regional decree signed by Catalonia"s President Artur Mas to call for a self-determination referendum from Spain on November 9. Spain's emergency cabinet meeting was held in response to the regional decree calling for Catalan independence
Spain's deepening economic crisis, though, has seen a surge in support for separation.
Hours after Catalonia leader Artur Mas signed the decree on Saturday, the turnout marking a key annual day of celebration in Barcelona was substantial, with tens of thousands of people using the occasion to rally for the right to hold a referendum on independence.
"La Diada", as the 300th anniversary of the end of the city's siege is known locally, has become a show of force for the Catalan independence movement.
On 19 September, the regional Catalan parliament voted by 106 to 28 in favour of granting Catalonia's president the power to hold a referendum, known locally as a "consultation".
Mr Mas, who was re-elected in December 2012, says he can use local laws to hold the vote, even though the central government says its blessing is required.
"I can't pretend that this will be easy, but it doesn't work just coming out to protest once a year," Mr Mas said on Catalan television at the weekend.
"The future is something you conquer, not a gift, and we have to earn that," he added.
A recent poll for Spain's El Pais newspaper showed that 45% of Catalans were in favour of suspending the referendum if the Constitutional Court declared it illegal.
Only 23% would like the referendum to go ahead regardless, the survey suggested.
Mr Mas has only recently become a supporter of full independence. Since 2007, he has spearheaded a push to revitalise Catalan nationalism known as the Refoundation of Catalanism.

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